What is Certified Payroll? Heres What You Need to Know

what is certified payroll in construction

Many state and federal construction jobs will require the WH-347 or its equivalent for certified payroll reporting. Add in working on multiple job sites, union requirements, prevailing wages, and inaccurate time sheets, and it’s enough to make anyone’s head spin. On top of that, you must what is certified payroll in construction have a system in place that can capture, organize, and report on tracked time so you can actually use it for things like payroll, job costing, and scheduling. Federal prevailing wage laws include Davis-Bacon and Related Acts(DBRA)  and the McNamara-O’Hara Service Contract Act (SCA).

Failing to consider overtime pay or miscalculating it can result in costly fines and penalties. This is another area where digital time tracking will help capture all hours that qualify for overtime pay. This may include work during breaks, travel between sites, team meetings, etc. You must appropriately classify overtime hours to ensure employees are fairly compensated. Another advantage of digital time tracking is the ability to integrate time data with other tools. This means you’ll be able to use time data with your budgets, project plans, and reporting in a much more effective way.

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Under the Davis-Bacon Act, you’re required to pay not less than the prevailing wage, including fringe benefits. Federal contractors can use form WH-347 to ensure that they are reporting everything they need to under the law. States have their own set of reporting requirements that must be followed for eligible state contracts. Submitting reports that are correct and on time is an important part of staying compliant. Certified payroll for construction can be complex when it comes to construction jobs that are funded by the federal government.

Organized, clean time tracking can be a huge boost to improving your job costing, scheduling, pricing, estimating, and more. How you track time, whether it be manually or digitally, has huge ramifications on the efficiency and accuracy of your payroll process. Especially when trying to sort through tracked time across multiple projects and job sites. If employees are texting in their hours, or even worse, writing on the back of a piece of paper, then human error will eventually take its course. Under the National Labor Relations Act of 1935, all workers covered by collective-bargaining agreements receive the full benefits of those agreements, whether they are union members or not.

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